
Conferences at Irbid Private University


Al-Ababneh Hassan Ali. Modern Approaches To Education Management To Ensure The Quality Of Educational Services In The Era Of Globalization

Development Of Distance Education And Digital Technologies In Education2021 Http://Bep.S-Time.Org


Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh. FEATURES OF AIRPORT ADVERTISING II International Forum of Young Scientists and Researchers,”SCIENCE AND STUDY 2020″, best reports, September 17-18, 2020, SPACESTIME Association for the Globalization of Education and Science, Kyiv Ukraine.


Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh. Development Of Modern Organizations Under E-Marketingii International Scientific Forum «New Economics – 2020» October 31, 2020 Organizers ,Association For The Globalization Of Education And Science Spacetime,Academy Of Economic Sciences Of Ukraine Institute Of Socio-Economic Initiatives (Ukraine Science And Study Service Kyiv, Ukraine


Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh. The role of advertising in organizing the concept of digital marketing Conference “Modern Management  …2020. DOI https://doi.org/10.2991/aebmr.k.200502.005. ISI


Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh . Email marketing in developing countries, Irbid Nationa

University – Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences – electronic marketing and

Social communication. Jordan International Congress “SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE



Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh. Development of the Methodological Basis of Evaluating

the Efficiency of the Organization’s Internet Marketing in Modern Conditions. in (ISSDRI 2022 conferences will be published by ScitePress and aimed at indexing into the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science


Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh. SEO: Features, Specific and Development Trends in Marketing- in (ISSDRI 2022 conferences will be published by ScitePress and aimed at indexing into the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science


                   Conferences at Donetsk Technical University

  1. Al-Ababneh Hasan AliFEATURES OF THE ASSESSMENT OF MULTIDIRECTIONAL RISKS OF INVESTING IN ADVERTISING. May-June 2020. ISSN: 0193-4120Page No. 24829– 24839. Published by: The Mattingley. TEST Engineering & Management magazine.Scopus
  2. Al-Ababneh Hasan Ali..The Role of Advertising in the Organization of Digital Marketing Concept
    AAH Ali, AD Nazarov, IS Kondratenko  2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Management …DOI https://doi.org/10.2991/aebmr.k.200502.005
  3. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. Postal marketing in developing countries PhD. Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh, Irbid National University -Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences – E -Marketing and Social Communication.Jordan International Congress «SCIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT»2019
  4. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. Advertising campaign planning based on the metaheuristic Marketing and management in the system of national and world economic interests: materials of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference (KryviyRih, January 19, 2018.). KryviyRih, DNUET named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky. 2018. pp. 106-107. (0,12 cond.-print. sheets).
  5. Аl-Ababneh Hassan Ali. Determining the optimal method for evaluating the process of the advertising campaign planning. Relevant problems of the effectiveness of using the potential of the country’s economy: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Dnepr, January 20-21, 2017). Dnepr: SO “Perspectivа”, 2017. pp. 85-86. (0,1 cond.-print. sheets).
  6. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. Relevance of fuzzy logic for managerial decisions. Business and its development in a market economy: problems and prospects: a collection of abstracts of All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference participants` scientific works (Odessa, May 12-13, 2017). Odessa, CEDR. 2017. pp. 128-130 (0,15 cond.-print. sheets).
  7. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh. metaheuristic model for forecasting the efficiency of the airport advertising campaign international scientific and practical conference materials actual problems of management and marketing (17-18 march, 2017) odesa 2017. – pp. 93– 96http://molodyvcheny.in.ua/files/conf/eko/22march2017/23.pdf
  8. M. Korzh, Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. Optimization mechanism for the effective advertising budget allocation. Forecasting and modeling of socio-economic processes of the present: a collection of materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference (Kyiv, January 13-14, 2017). Kyiv, PO “Kyiv Economic Research Center”. 2017. pp. 66-67 (0,1ум.-друк. арк.). The author’s personal contribution: the economic conditions for optimizing the effective advertising budget distribution are determined (0,05 cond.-print. sheets).
  9. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh.air transportation market trends public organization lviv economic fund economic reform in the context of international cooperation international scientific and practical conference materials (lviv, 16-17 december,2016)partіilviv2016.–pp.21– 22http://dspace.tneu.edu.ua/jspui/bitstream/316497/29683/1/tax%20in%20norway.pdf
  10. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali.information society: technological, economic and technical aspects of formation (issue 16) 1 december, 2016 ternopil 2016. – pp. 62–63 russian science citation index (rsci) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0b-qjs3vz0ndod1ryd2vyqtvuewc/view
  11. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh.features of the advertising planning process in the air transportation market international scientific and practical internet-conferences of economic direction concepts of economic development of the country: collection of abstracts of the international scientific and practical internet conference russian science citation index (rsci 16 november, 2016 2016. – pp. 96–97http://www.economy-confer.com.ua/full-article/2110/
  12. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh.impact of planning process on advertising campaign results in the air transportation market eastern ukrainian institute of economics and management iii international scientific-practical conference scientific and economic studies: theories and proposals 11-12 november, 2016 part і zaporizhzhia 2016. – pp. 24 – 5file:///c:/users/madsands/downloads/44670.pdf
  13. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh. features of formation of modern market of airport advertising campaignsscience community the fourteenth economic and legal debates 5 october, 2016 international scientific and practical internet conference materials lviv 2016. – pp. 20–23 internet conferences russian science citation index (rsci) http://www.spilnota.net.ua/ru/article/id-1627/
  14. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh.specificity of the use of non-standard advertising in the modern advertising market of airports international scientific and practical conference materialsinnovative economy (7-8 october, 2016) odesa 2016. – pp. 65–67http://molodyvcheny.in.ua/files/conf/eko/18oct2016/18oct2016.pdf
  15. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh .features of the use of fuzzy modeling in the economy modern science: development prospects: materials vi (lxx) international scientific and practical conference (ukraine, kyiv, 24 june, 2016) 2016. – pp. 01-03 the collection is included in the information-analytical system of the rsci (russian science citation index) and is published on the website of the scientific electronic library elibrary.ru (http://elibrary.ru)
  16. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. Place of the fuzzy logic in the marketing processes. Prospects for the development of the national economy: a collection of materials of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference (Zaporozhye, May 13-14, 2016). Zaporozhye, PО “SIEU”. 2016. P.1. pp. 99-101 (0,1 cond.-print. sheets).
  17. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. Advantages of the metaheuristic methods in studying the advertising effectiveness. Topical issues of modern science: abstracts of reports of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference (Kyiv, April 29-30, 2016). Kyiv, MCND. 2016. pp. 54-55. (0,12 cond.-print. sheets).
  18. hasan ali al-ababneh. determining the efficiency of modern advertisingodesa national university named after i.i. mechnikov institute of mathematics, economics and mechanics international scientific and practical conference 29-30 april, 2016 part і odesa 2016 2016. –pp. 156-158  (professional edition) http://onu.edu.ua/
  19. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. The significance of social advertising for modern society. Global problems of economy and finance: collection of abstracts of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference scientific works (Kiev-Prague-Vienna, April 29, 2016). Kiev: Financial and Economic Scientific Council, 2016. pp. 37-38. (0,1 cond.-print. sheets).
  20. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh.relevance of social advertising for modern society international scientific journal financial and economic scientific council collection of abstracts of scientific papers v international scientific and practical conference global problems of economy and finance 29 april, 2016 kyiv–prague–vienna 2016. – pp. 37–38http://www.inter-nauka.com/issues/conf-2016/april1/
  21. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh.mathematical simulation in determining the advertising efficiency iv (lxviii) international scientific and practical conference 29 april, 2016, kyiv 2016. – pp. 01–04 the abstract is included in the information-analytical system of the rsci (russian science citation index) and is published on the website of the scientific electronic library elibrary.ruhttp://www.vestnik-econom.mgu.od.ua/journal/2016/18-2016/33.pdf
  22. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. Applying the ant colony algorithm when planning the effective route for advertising. Topical issues of modern science:: collection of abstracts of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference scientific works (St. Petersburg-Astana-Kiev-Vienna, April 28, 2016). The 2nd book. Kiev, International Science Center. 2016. pp. 40-42. (0,1 cond.-print. sheets).
  23. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh.psychology of advertising as a tool of formation and efficiency prospects of reforming the national economy scientific potential of modern economic science submission deadline is april 27, 2016.2016, pp. 34–36 russian science citation index (rsci) file:///c:/users/madsands/downloads/econrig_2016_2_9.pdf
  24. hasan ali al-ababneh construction of model for determining the advertising efficiency based on genetic algorithm international scientific and practical internet conference eleventh economic and legal discussions 26 april, 2016 lviv – pp. 42–45
  25. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh. Impact of assessment methods on the final perception of advertising results young scientist journalinternational scientific and practical conference materialsactual issues of management and marketing (22-23 april, 2016)ivano-frankivsk 2016 2016. – pp. 101-102 http://molodyvcheny.in.ua/files/conf/eko/16april2016/16april2016.pdf
  26. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh.impact of assessment methods on the final perception of advertising results department of education and humanitarian policy of cherkasy city council department of economy and development of cherkasy city council cherkasy state technological university national university of bioresources and natural resources use of ukraine poltava niversity of economy and trade chernihiv national university of technology khmelnytskyi national university iii all-ukrainian scientific practical internet conference on economic theory scientific basis for the development of knowledge of economic theory 21 april, 2016 cherkasy,2016. – pp. 57–59 (professional edition)http://molodyvcheny.in.ua/files/conf/eko/16april2016/32.pdf
  27. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh. efficiency of modern advertising analytical journal economics. finance. law (kyiv).currency and credit regulation.15 – 17 april, 2016 economy, finance, law (published since 1994)issn 2409- – pp. 55–56 (professional edition)http://konferencia.com.ua/images/_archieve/2016/efp%2004-1%202016.pdf
  28. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. use of economic and mathematical simulation for assessing elements of planning an advertising campaign in airports international scientific and practical internet-conference
  29. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. Advertising and statistics. problems and prospects Financial security and prospects for the development of socio-economic systems: a collection of materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference (Kyiv, April 15-16, 2016). P.ІІ. Kyiv, PO “Kyiv Economic Research Center”. 2016. p. 110-112. (0,1 cond.-print. sheets).
  30. hasan ali al-ababneh. features of modern advertising east ukrainian institute of economics and management international scientific and practical conference actual trends in providing the efficiency of the country’s economy 8-9 april, 2016 part і zaporizhzhia – pp. 124–126 russian science citation index (rsci) http://www.siee.zp.ua
  31. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. Relevance of mediametric research in the field of marketing. Economic system of the country: external and internal factors of influence: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Dnipropetrovsk, April 6-7, 2016). In 2 parts. Dnipropetrovsk, SO «Perspectivа». 2016. 2. pp. 123-124. (0,1 cond.-print. sheets).
  32. Аl-Ababneh Hasan Ali. Рrospects for the use of fuzzy logic in the marketing process Economics, management, law: Realities and Perspectives: Collection of scientific articles. Les Edition L’Originale, Paris, France, 2016. pp. 442-445. International scientometricdatabase:RSCI, CPCI-SSH, Thompson Reuters] (0,4 cond.-print. sheets).
  33. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh.prospects for positioning advertising at airports international scientific and practical conference materialsa new look on development of the country’s economy (25-26 march, 2016) lviv 2016. – pp. 136–8http://molodyvcheny.in.ua/files/conf/eko/15march2016/15march2016.pdf
  34. Hasan Ali Al-Ababneh. metaheuristic model for forecasting the efficiency of the airport advertising campaign international scientific and practical conference materials actual problems of management and marketing (17-18 march, 2017) odesa 2017. – pp. 93– 96http://molodyvcheny.in.ua/files/conf/eko/22march2017/23.pdf
  35. Al-Ababneh H., Ivanitsa S., Anoprienko A. Calculation of characteristics of server computer systems // Informatics and computer technologies / Materials of the VII International scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists – 22-23 November, 2011. Vol.1. Donetsk: DonNTU.-2011. – pp. 123-128
  36. Al-Ababneh H., Anoprienko A. Methods and tools for calculating the parameters of server computer systems // International scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Information control systems and computer monitoring – 2011”, Donetsk National Technical University (Donetsk 11-13 April, 2011
  37. Anoprienko A. Konoplova A., Al-Ababneh H. Post-binary computing, Grid and cloud computing: new realities of computer simulation // Materials of the 3rd International scientific and practical conference “Simulation and computer graphics”. 7-9 October, 2009, Donetsk: DonNTU, 2009. – 6 phttp://ea.donntu.org:8080/bitstream/123456789/27263/1/2009-10-07-anopriyenko-grid-cloud-postbinary-simulation-presentation.pdf
  38. Rychka S., Anoprienko A., Al-Ababneh H. Improving the performance of Internet-focused network infrastructure: models, algorithms and methods // Materials of the second International scientific and technical conference “Simulation and computer graphics”, 10-12 October 2007, Donetsk, DonNTU. – 2007. – pp. 326-330http://masters.donntu.org/2013/fknt/shumskiy/library/article4.htm
  39. Anoprienko A., Rychka S., Al-Ababneh H. Methods and means of computer networks simulation to provide the  functioning efficiency of web-services // Materials of the first International scientific and technical conference “Simulation and computer graphics”. Donetsk, 04-07 October, 2005, Donetsk, 2005. – pp. 156-159http://ea.donntu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/bitstream/123456789/2899/1/2005-10-05-anopriyenko-richka-net-simulation-scg.pdf